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Board Adopts, Submits GSP Revisions to State

At the July 14 special meeting, the North Fork Kings Board adopted the revisions to the North Fork Kings Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP). The revisions were in response to the Department of Water Resources’ (DWR) ruling that the GSP was incomplete after a two-year review. The North Fork King’s GSP was one of seven GSPs in the Kings Subbasin ruled incomplete.

The DWR stated the seven GSPs needed more coordination and consistency and identified several deficiencies. Most of the State’s comments centered around Sustainable Management Criteria which are the quantitative metrics that define sustainable management of a subbasin. The deficiencies covered four main topics: groundwater levels, land subsidence, interconnected surface water, and water quality.

The revised GSPs were submitted to DWR prior to the July 27 deadline. DWR will review the GSPs to evaluate whether the deficiencies were sufficiently addressed. If the GSAs failed to take sufficient actions to correct the deficiencies, the GSPs will not be approved. If this happens, the State Water Resources Control Board has the authority to intervene and take over management of the Subbasin. It is anticipated the State will complete their review no later than early 2023. To view the final revised GSP go to

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