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Coordinated Groundwater Management: Securing Local Control in the Kings Subbasin

Close coordination between the North Fork Kings GSA and the six other GSAs in the Kings Subbasin is essential for a unified approach toward groundwater sustainability. From GSPs to programs, it all takes coordination. Through joint planning, the Kings Subbasin GSAs tackle challenges and meet state requirements to maintain our approved GSP and retain local control over groundwater management.

“DWR commented directly that one of the main reasons we were approved was the coordination between our GSPs and the individual GSAs. That was evident in the effort that went into each GSA putting together a GSP that was consistent with the others on the primary issues,” stated Ronnie Samuelian, the Kings Subbasin Point of Contact.

Hear more about the work that goes into maintaining a unified effort in sustainable groundwater management in the Kings Subbasin by watching the video below.

Learn more about Kings Subbasin coordination here.

The North Fork Kings GSA has published a draft updated GSP for public review. Those interested in reviewing the GSP can download it and submit their comments at

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