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North Fork Kings GSA Progresses on Groundwater Allocation Pilot

North Fork Kings GSA is finalizing plans for a pilot program to study groundwater pumping allocations. Through the pilot, participating landowners will be able to manage their groundwater allocations on Watermark. Although initially planned for fall 2024, the pilot launch has been delayed to allow for further research and to establish clear guidelines before implementation.

The GSA is researching the best way for surface water entities within its boundaries to report their data through Watermark. Additionally, the GSA’s Policy Committee is reviewing the rules and regulations, which will be sent to the Board of Directors for approval. Once approved, the pilot will be one step closer to implementation. North Fork Kings GSA is also waiting to receive key information from the Kings River Water Association regarding seepage calculations for surface water users, a key component before the pilot can begin.

A groundwater allocation pilot is being conducted to serve as a guide for future implementation of groundwater allocations in the GSA and to help the agency work through process and methodology with the input of landowners. North Fork Kings GSA is committed to providing landowners with transparent communication and will keep them informed once the pilot is underway.

To stay updated on the groundwater allocation pilot, and to share your insights and perspectives on groundwater allocations, attend the Board and committee meetings, and sign up for the email list at

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