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Well Registration

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As of July 1, 2024, well registration is required for all domestic and agricultural wells within the North Fork Kings GSA boundary.

Registering a well(s) will be free until the registration deadline on September 30, 2024.

In January 2024, the North Fork Kings GSA fully launched a Well Registration Program for well owners using the online tool Watermark. As of July 1, 2024, well registration is required for all domestic and agricultural wells within the North Fork Kings GSA boundary. Registering a well(s) will be free until the registration deadline on September 30, 2024.

Starting October 1, an initial registration fee of $100 per well will be charged. The Board may consider implementing an escalating fee beginning in 2025. The North Fork Kings GSA strongly encourages well owners to register both agricultural and domestic (private drinking water) wells to avoid fees.

Well registration can now be completed using a new online tool called Watermark.

NOTE: You will need your unique verification code(s) to claim your parcels into your account and register wells. Verification codes were resent in early August to all landowners who have not completed registration.

Quick Links

Watermark Support

The North Fork Kings GSA has a Watermark support team dedicated to helping landowners activate their Watermark accounts and register their wells. To schedule an appointment, email, call (559) 632-7032, or submit the digital appointment request form.

Contamos con miembros del equipo de apoyo que hablan español que pueden ayudar a los propietarios de tierras de habla hispana con el proceso de registro.

Watermark Workshops

Attend our well registration events throughout August and September, where you can receive in-person support. Please bring a laptop or tablet if you have one.

El apoyo en español estará disponible en los eventos y para las citas.

Join us at a workshop:

September 19, 2024, 9:00am – 12:00pm
Laguna Irrigation District 5065 19 ½ Ave, Riverdale, CA 93656

Drop-In Before our Board meetings:

September 25, 2024, 4:30pm – 5:30pm
Riverdale Education Center 3160 W Mount Whitney Ave, CA 93656


Watermark Walkthrough Guide

Step-by-step instructions for activating your Watermark account and registering your wells.

Landowner Authorization Form

To claim parcels into your Watermark account that are owned by another individual.

Well Registration Workbook – Alternative to registering wells one-by-one

If you own a high number of wells, you have the option to use this workbook to register. Download, fill it out, and email it to

NOTE: You will still need to set up a Watermark account and create the Water Account(s) you’d like the well data uploaded to.

How to Activate your Watermark Account and Register Wells


Letters with verification codes were resent to landowners in early August. These verification codes are needed to claim parcels and start the well registration process. If you did not receive the letter or misplaced it and have not completed registration, please reach out to for assistance.



  • Well location (you will be able to pin it on a map)
  • Well name
  • Well type
  • Well status (active/inactive)
  • If there is a flow meter


  • Whether or not you have the well completion report
  • Year drilled
  • Well driller
  • Well depth
  • Perforated Intervals/Screen Depth (ft.)
  • Pump type
  • Pump horsepower
  • Whether or not you have had a pump efficiency test within the past 3 years


Account-holders may either own or manage parcels with the North Fork Kings GSA.


2. create a water account(s)

If you manage multiple parcels or farms/ranches separately, you can create distinct water accounts for each one to track usage and aid in future water allocation management.

3. Add parcels to your account

Use verification codes to claim your parcels. To claim parcels to your account, you must be the parcel owner or contact the landowner to obtain the verification code.

4. register your wells

You must claim parcels before starting the well registration process.

5. View evapotranspiration (ET) data by parcel

You can view monthly ET data (consumed water) for your parcels within Watermark.

Why Well Registration?

The well registration program is most immediately tied to a State-required groundwater study on the confined aquifer. Over the next several months, the North Fork Kings GSA will conduct this study to better understand land subsidence and groundwater flows. This study must be completed by fall 2024. Landowner participation in well registration is a key part of the study’s completion and success in maintaining local control over groundwater management.

Landowners’ prompt action in the well registration program is a key part of keeping local control over groundwater management.

Well registration also serves as a valuable tool for the North Fork Kings GSA in the pursuit of long-term groundwater sustainability. Gathering information on the number and location of wells, along with other relevant data, is essential for effective groundwater management.

Additionally, this data will contribute to the future domestic well mitigation program by informing the North Fork Kings GSA about the location and number of domestic wells within its boundaries. This proactive approach allows the North Fork Kings GSA to plan for the program adequately, ensuring sufficient resources are available for the well owners involved.

About Watermark

Watermark is an online SGMA tool for growers and residents in the North Fork Kings GSA. Watermark as a well registration tool is only the first step in a long-term vision for the platform. The tool will be developed over time to include water accounting capabilities once groundwater allocations are in place.

For now, landowners can use Watermark to begin tracking their monthly water use by accessing parcel-level ET data. Understanding water use is the first step to being able to plan for water allocations in the future.

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